What is a Hemorrhoidal Banding?
Hemorrhoids are pockets of swollen blood vessels inside the anus. While they can be uncomfortable, they’re relatively common in adults. Hemorrhoid banding, also called rubber band ligation, is a treatment method for hemorrhoids that don’t respond to home treatments. It’s a minimally invasive technique that involves tying the base of hemorrhoids with a rubber band to stop blood flow to hemorrhoids.
What Is It Used To Treat?
Hemorrhoids often cause pain, bleeding, and itching. Hemorrhoidal Banding helps to remove hemorrhoids by putting tight bands around the swollen veins in the lower rectum and anus. The anus is the opening where bowel movements pass out of your body. The rectum is the end of the intestines just inside the anus.
When Doctor Suggests To Get Hemorrhoidal Banding?
Your doctor may recommend you banding if your hemorrhoids are not responding to other treatments or are bothering you.
How To Prepare For the Procedure?
You may or may not need to take your regular medicines till the day of the procedure. Some medicines (like aspirin) may increase the risk of bleeding during or after the procedure. Consult with your doctor about all medicines and supplements that you take. Ask your provider if you need to avoid any medicine before the procedure. A doctor will also provide guidance on what to do before going to the hospital. For example, they will advise the person to avoid food and drink for several hours before the procedure. Follow all the instructions given to you by your doctor.